Christmas Resources

Go to www.unitedwayaustin.org to find out about Christmas resources in your area. Families can only apply for assistance from one resource:
TRAVIS COUNTY BROWN SANTA - www.tcsheriff.org/brown-santa - Apply at the nearest Travis County office where you live--512-247-2682. Assists families living outside the geographical city limits of any town or city in Travis County.
WILLIAMSON COUNTY BROWN SANTA - www.wilco.org/brownsanta - Assists families living outside the geographical city limits of any town or city in Williamson County. Apply online - deadline is Nov. 18th.
AUSTIN BLUE SANTA - go to www.bluesanta.org to apply online or find a location.
PFLUGERVILLE- www.pflugervilletx.gov/bluesanta - lnformation - 512-990-6838 - Apply in person at Pflugerville Police Department/Pflugerville Justice Center (on Pfennig Lane across from Walmart) - applications accepted in November.
ROUND ROCK- www.roundrocktexas.gov/bluesanta Information: 512-844-8273 - Application dates/locations: November 7th- 6-8 pm at Stony Point High School; November 14th- 6-8 pm at Round Rock High School; November 18th - 22nd, 25th, 26th, Dec. 2nd-5th, 9th-13th 9am-4 pm at Round Rock Police Dept.
TAYLOR- www.ci.taylor.tx.us/725/Red-Santa-Program Information: 512-352-6992.
HUTTO - Information: 512-759-4700 - speak to Orange Santa contact. Application deadline is Nov. 15th. Apply online at www.hipponation.org
CEDAR PARK- www.cedarparktexas.gov/departments/police-department/blue-santa-program - lnformation-512-260-4646 or 512-260-4864 - Registration Dates: Nov. 9/Sat. 9am-1pm; Nov. 13/Wed. 5-8:30pm; Nov 19/Tues. 5-8:30pm; Nov. 25/ Mon. 5-8:30pm; Dec. 2/Mon. 5-8:30pm -apply on line or call.
LEANDER - www.leandertx.gov/police/page/blue-santa-program - Partners with Hill Country Christmas Bureau - Registration Dates: Nov. 17/Sun. 2-4pm; Nov. 19/Tue. 6:30-8pm; Dec. 2/Mon. 6:30-8pm; Dec. 4/Wed. 6:30-8pm; Dec. 6/Fri. 6:30-8pm -apply in person at Old A C Delco Building, 603 S. Hwy 183, Leander TX 78641.
ELGIN - Blue Santa Program - Apply in person at Elgin Police Department by Friday, December 6th at 5 pm. Information: 512-285-5757.